
Sometimes you know….

There are occasions when you visit new places and, however nice they are, you don’t really feel a great need to go back.

On the other hand, there are those times when you know almost instantly that you would happy to return. We’ve just been to one of those places, a real surprise as I knew relatively little about it before we arrived, had been curious to see what it was like and yet was also a little concerned that it might be a bit, well, boring.

How wrong I was! Jersey turned out to be an absolute jewel; a beautiful little island with fantastic scenery, some of the nicest (and emptiest) beaches I’ve ever seen, and glorious views around every corner.

It helped that the weather was fabulous so we spent our whole time outside. Clifftop walks, wanders around little seaside towns and time on the beach filled most of our days, plus a very interesting visit to the Tunnel Museum which tells the story of Jersey’s occupation by the Germans during WWII (click the photos below to see them larger).

Jersey ended up being a very pleasant surprise. I have a feeling we’ll be back for more.

By Jon Schick

Hertfordshire-based, I work for the National Health Service but try and fit in some photography on a regular basis. Not so much during the recent lockdown era, but here's hoping things can only get better in 2021....

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