
Is anybody there?

Fuji Gear14

Not a lot going on with this blog currently – I’ll see what I can do if whoever is in charge of the weather actually ever remembers that we are now in British Summer Time.  Lovely false start a little while ago when the plants thought it was time to do something, and I thought it would be fun to use an old-fashioned manual everything lens (Samyang 50/1.2).

Fuji Gear15

Also nice weather for a recent walk in the woods, after a particularly long day stuck indoors while the outside temperatures had soared into ‘cor wot a scorcher’ territory.  This image, taken with the fixed lens X100(F) is probably my favourite of these three:


For people who still drop by – thank you!  I have plans for some future fun things to post here, so keep looking; hopefully it might even be worth it soon.



By Jon Schick

Hertfordshire-based, I work for the National Health Service but try and fit in some photography on a regular basis. Not so much during the recent lockdown era, but here's hoping things can only get better in 2021....

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